Friday, August 12, 2011

So You Want to be a Horse Rescuer?

Lots of people love horses.  Some want to be around horses.  We appreciate that. We are recruiting new volunteers and board members.  We want people who love horses and want to be with them.  Of course we do . . . and that is just the starting place when it comes to what it takes to be a Heart of the Redwoods Horse Rescue volunteer.

You have to be ready to start from the ground up - literally!  
We need folks who are not afraid to get their hands dirty. 
 People who say "count me in" when we put out the call for a work party.

We need volunteers who are ready to commit at least 5 hours a week doing some of the many,
 many tasks that it takes to run a rescue:  fundraising, public relations, and grant writing . . . 
all in addition to the actual hands on work with horses.

If you don't know a lot about horses, that is ok.
You need to be willing to learn and to show initiative, 
taking an active role in the process of learning.

We also need volunteers who are experienced horse handlers.  
People who, once they are screened, can lend a skilled hand to 
assisting with equine management tasks:  grooming, 
exercising, and if cleared by one of our trainers, riding.

When horses enter the rescue with serious medical needs, 
we need skilled volunteers to commit to their ongoing care.

Our volunteers help with fundraisers and community events.  
Be prepared to sign up for something every month.

There are matts, buckets, blankets, and feeders to be cleaned.

Stalls to be mucked out every night.

Hay rooms to be raked, hay to be hauled and stacked.

Sometimes you will work alone, maybe at night, in the rain.  
Sometimes you will work with a full team.

In the winter, pasture maintenance requires slogging through knee high mud.

Maintenance needs seem to never stop.

And the need for feed, supplies, and other resources is relentless.

There is tack to clean, organize, and make ready for our semi-annual tack sales

Horses need to be promoted through events, distribution of flyers, and
work on the internet posting on forums, craigslist, facebook, and online equine adopton websites.

Sometimes your heart will break because you will have to say goodby to horses you love.  
Our dear Ben had to be euthanized this year when his chronic pain destroyed all quality of life.

Sometimes your heart will break because you aren't able to help a horse that really needs you.

At times you will feel tired, exhausted, and even overwhelmed.
You will also feel exhilarated, fulfilled, and absolutely grateful for the amazing horses 
whose lives you will be able to transform as you become part of our team . . . 

. . . commited to our shared passion of the rescue, rehabilitation, and rehoming of horses in need.

For more information visit the volunteer opportunities page on our website
or "friend" us on facebook.

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