Saturday, February 19, 2011

HRHR Volunteers Know How to Make Hard Work Fun

Today a few volunteers took on a giant job at Heart of the Redwoods Horse Rescue's Redwood Acres facilities. Our three paddocks were in dire need of rehabbing. Our hay room was ankle deep in hay. Stall mats, water buckets, and feed buckets were in desperate need of scrubbing. Hard work? You bet! But the job got done thanks to Carey Call's team coordination and the tenacity, determination, and hours of hard work by Abbie, Cat, Sarah, Thommie, Becky, Jo, and Cherie.

Guess what we found under the stall mats? Remember what adobe clay is made of?

Dozens of wheelbarrow loads to the manure pile and . . .

. . . hours of mean shovel work by some determined volunteers leveled the nasty mess.

Carey and Thommie perfected the art of moving stall mats so they could be scrubbed.

Abbie was our secret weapon! That girl is one incredible, cleaning machine!

Thank you Cat for leaving our hay room absolutely spotless!

Cat, Sarah, and Jo moved what felt like TONS of old, soggy manure and hay.

Once the paddocks were clean and leveled, it was time to bring in the new gravel.

We really appreciate the generosity of our friends at Taylor's Landscaping Supplies.
They donated
the use of this really
cool little dump trailer. It sure made our job a lot easier!

Becky showed some serious backing skills with her truck and maneuvered
the gravel dump trailer into the perfect position

When Jo says, "I'm in" she really means what she says.

Here is Abbie still hard at work. She wins the award for hardest worker of the day.

The third paddock did not get new gravel but was thoroughly cleaned.

And here is the finished product!

Just about anything is possible with a few, determined HRHR volunteers. Thank you everyone!


  1. Wow, great job everyone, I'm impressed! And you could probably hire yourselves out!
