Meet Jessica White, one of our volunteers and a mighty fine hoof trimmer. Jessica volunteers to keep our horses feet fit and healthy. Thank you Jessica!
See that soft eye - that was Angel all through the trim. Relaxed and loving the attention.
Jessica has been trimming for several years - she has an excellent feel for balance.
There was a bit of bruising under Angel's overgrown bars.
Jessica has a gentle touch with our senior mare.
Jessica, Thank you SO VERY MUCH for all you do for our horses!
What's this? Happy new feet AND a kiss? Thank you Shelby for all your help today!
We also appreciate the excellent trimming of our other volunteer trimmer,
Natalie Herman of Epona's Natural Hoofcare)
We also appreciate the excellent trimming of our other volunteer trimmer,
Natalie Herman of Epona's Natural Hoofcare)