Monday, July 26, 2010

HRHR Play Day for Adults - Time for Fun . . .

. . . and sharing some good times with our members and supporters.

Heart of the Redwoods Horse Rescue President Misty Hunter is one of the hardest working people you will ever meet. Thanks to her tenacity and commitment, HRHR is reorganizing and preparing for the hardest season, winter.

Don't think Misty is all work, she also knows how to have fun. When she decides to invite the horse community to play, the result is thoroughly enjoyable day of laughter, relaxation, and the good company of people who share a love for horses.

Two of the other HRHR volunteers deserving credit for the success of the day are Lorraine Smith and Lisa Bethune who acted as "ringmasters" for the games. Dear reader, we hope you enjoy these photos and invite you to join us the next time Misty gets the urge for a little fun and puts out the call for another HRHR Adult Play Day.

Elizabeth Gent takes a break and enjoys the action with her lovely mustang Flicka.

It was impossible to not smile while watching the
hysterical first game of the day, the dreaded egg race.

Elicia Kamberg concentrates on egg-spoon unity.

Natalie Herman, Vanessa Munos, and Tracie Ahlberg
round the corner carefully balancing their very fragile eggs.

It was wonderful to see the partnership between horses and riders.
What could be more fun than watching great teamwork, beautiful horses,
and some . . . er, very creative strategies.
Whatever it takes to bring those potatoes home in the "potato races".

Tracie and Natalie prepare for one of the games.
At an Adult Play Day there is a slightly different meaning
to the phrase "ride and tie".

Tori Taylor rode Misty's Arab-Appaloosa mare Half-Pint.

Speed, balance, timing, smooth riding . . .

. . . Elicia and Natalie have it all and put it to
good use in the "fill the bucket" race.
Did they even spill a drop?

Tori and Elizabeth match strides for speed in the "ribbon race".

Tracy and Elicia ask their horses to bring it up a notch
yet manage to keep that crepe paper "ribbon" intact.
In a pinch, speed helped . . .

. . . and last Saturday at Redwood Acres there was plenty of speed . . .

. . . and plenty of smiles.

We would like to thank all of our friends who to came to play, and our volunteers for helping make the event so fun. Thank you Natalie Herman of Epona Natural Hoofcare for your donation of hand-made horse jewelry for prizes, and Lorraine Smith for your donation of tickets for the Madaket cruise. We are looking forward to the next Adult Play Day.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

In Memory of Feather

Here is the story of the lovely Feather,
as shared by her loving owners who knew her best . . .

Feather joined us as a companion for Rastafarian Bob because we anticipated the death of Breeze, the mare who’d buddied with him for several years.

When Feather debarked from her trailer, she looked around, chose for herself an area comfortably closed in by outbuildings and trees on three sides, laid back her ears and drove out the other two from her space.

Feather was able to hang on to dominance for a couple of months until, finally, Rastafarian Bob decided this was against nature. Despite the loving care while with Redwoods Rescue, she kept me on probation for six months or so just to make sure I was trustworthy.

Breeze lived another few years, then Rasty Bob and Feather became, in the nature of horses, inseparable.

Feather died on July 17, 2010. We’re grateful that we were part of her life and that I could be with her as she passed.

For a glimpse of Feather's story before she

was adopted into this loving family, click HERE.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Horsemanship From the Heart -Developing a True Partnership with Your Horse

For a long time we have led our horses with our heads, but they really need to be led with our hearts.

True Horsemanship, that is, developing a real partnership with a horse requires a certain attitude, a certain frame of mind that is different from the way we habitually think. In fact, to call it a way of thinking is really not accurate. It might be more accurate to call it a way of feeling.

There is a world of difference between the common, everyday, normal horsemanship and the more appropriate, effective and natural development of a true partnership with the animal, the development of True Horsemanship. The normal, everyday approach to horses, rather than being practical horsemanship as you might think, is instead highly impractical. It leaves out the things that are most important to the horse and vital to the healthy development of any relationship. So, what are these two different approaches, these two different ways of thinking? How can we distinguish between the two?

The culture of man, for thousands of years, has been a culture of leading from the head. We have worshipped at the shrine of logic and reason, assuming that these functions of the mind were the ultimate way of dealing with reality. This head oriented approach to life led to the subjugation of women, the enslavement of animals, and the scientific approach to seeking truth. This attitude also led to the disintegration of more heart centered approaches to life and the destruction of cultures living in that way.

There is nothing inherently wrong with logic and reason, but we have been living for thousands of years with the cart before the horse. To get right to the point,we have been living as if the head should be in charge and the heart needs to be controlled. Feelings are to be controlled and sentimentality reduced to a minimum. But, this is really backwards. The heart is that still small voice inside of us, our conscience, that part of us that keeps us on the right track. The head, the mind, with its logic and reason, is for handling the details and solving the problems we encounter along the way. The heart should be in charge.

Of course, this sounds ridiculous to most modern humans, and is usually dismissed out of hand without thinking about it. After all, the mind does not want to lose its position of authority it acquired when the heart was dethroned. The mind will say that if the heart is in charge, everyone will just do what they feel, and no one will work, no one will aspire to improve the lot of man; everyone will just party, eat like gluttons, consume drink and drugs, and engage in wanton sex. course this is not true.

The examples of people who lived from the heart include Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Theresa, Saint Francis of Assisi, and Jesus - a line up of drunks and sex addicts if I ever saw one. It is the subjugation of the heart that leads to all sorts of problems. It takes gluttony, and drugs, and endless sexual adventures to shut the heart up. Heart centered living does not lead to these things. So, what does this have to do with horsemanship? In fact, everything.

- In order to feel empathy for your horse, it is necessary to check in with your heart.
- In order to understand what your horse is feeling you have to feel with your heart.
- To know whether something you are thinking of doing is right or wrong, you have to consult your heart.

Then, once you have felt what should be done, your mind is allowed to work out the details. That is the proper order of things - the horse before the cart. And the great thing about this is you don't have to learn how to do it, you merely need to stop shutting down the messages from your heart. You already know how to do it. In fact, you had to be taught how not to!

So, whenever you are working with your horse, work from the heart. Develop a partnership based on the heart.
Rein in your brain
and listen to your heart.

September 12, 2006

Thursday, July 1, 2010

HRHR Volunteers for Redwood Acres Fair

This has been a very busy week for the rescue. We started off at the Redwood Acres Fair Wed. passing out information pamphlets and selling raffle tickets for our endurance saddle. We also assisted the Six Rivers Pony Club with their pony rides. The rides didn't go so well due to the fact that we were set up right next to the fire department who was doing a demo with a very loud piece of equipment. The pony's were a little bit spooked by all the noise.

Saturday we had our 3rd Annual Play Day. Thank you Lorraine and Lisa for putting this all together for us. I would also like to thank Heather Snowflamer for volunteering her time as one of the judges. Some of the events included a trotting race, catalog race, walk trot canter, walk trot lead, a beginning obstacle course, and an advanced obstacle course. Each contestant went away with lots of prizes and goody bags for their horses. We had a lot of interest in the event and we might even put on another one in the future as a fund raiser for HRHR.

Sunday we helped out with the Exceptional Rodeo. This was a free event and everyone who attended went home with a T-shirt and a Rope. The kids were given free pony rides and there were several stations set up where they could practice their roping skills.

We also had an information booth set up with before and after pictures of some of the horses we have rescued within HRHR. Angel was also on scene getting lots of attention. Angel is also up for Adoption if anyone is looking to ad a new addition to their pasture.

We raffled off out Timberline Saddle and the winner was Carole Kindrick. Carole was not present to accept the saddle but we will be posting a picture of our winner shortly.

Thanks again everyone who came out and supported HRHR during this very busy week. Next month we will be putting on an adult play day. So get your horses ready and come out and have a little fun.

(ps, sorry about the double photo, blogger wasn't cooperating)